
This is a little taste of our heart.

If you resonate with anything in this feed, don't hesitate to reach out so we can chat about how we can work together.

Arts & Culture

Fund the Arts

The arts are an integral part of what makes any society flower. The brutal austerity measures that sap funding from the arts leave us with hollow social formations and communities bereft of the creative voices that so often serve as bright lights calling us to create better worlds.

The Power of Media (film/tv/online)

Power of Media (film/tv/online)

Media in all its forms reflects our world back to us. It makes up the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves.

Politics & Society


People Power

We live in a time when we no longer blindly trust the systems of power that compose our world. We want to effect change through bottom-up initiatives, putting new forms of power in the hands of the people.


The Great Financial Crisis of '08 revealed the cracks in our economic system, showing how, despite all the claims of progress, our world is vastly becoming more unequal, with elites and the super-wealthy exponentially accumulating more power and resources. The implications of this power-grab affect every aspect of life from the political, to the social, to the cultural – we can do better!

Political Economy

The relationship between power and economy has been explored for centuries. Now, more than ever, this relationship is being challeneged so that more power can be retuned to the everyday people. We believe that there are alternative ways we can empower local communities and everyday people so that there is truly a greater share of the great social resources that are available.


Ideas are powerful. Concepts matter. How we think about the world and how we act in it inform one another.

Charity & social Causes

Charity &
social Causes


No one should be without clean water, housing, sufficient food, clothing, etc.

National Parks

We must protect our parklands, forests, preserves, lakes, and more.

Rescue Animals

There are too many animals needlessly put down; too many little furry friends left homeless or neglected. Everyone loves a puppy or kitten, but adopting is truly a worthy endeavor.


Ancient wisdom saw a connection between the human and animal worlds. There is much we can glean from this in our postmodern world.


We are staunchly anti-war. Self-defense is sometimes a necessity in a world that proves its violence time and again, but we will always support the causes and makers of peace in the first instance.

Climate Breakdown

The effects of anthropogenic climate change are only just beginning to show themselves. It is paramount that we listen to nature's groaning and act swiftly where, when, and how we are able.